

jueves, 30 de junio de 2011

Amarres modernos

Television addiction

By: Gabriela Montiel

Television addiction is a modern tendency related with the invention of television a decades ago, when people start to connect and know another and different realities trough the T.V.

Since the invention of t.v until our present time, this object has been present in the families and the houses in a significant way, because the people has received it like a way of entertainment, but also like a company, and even worst, like part of their lives, and their emotions.

T.V has a big influence in people´s behavior because brings a lot of codes, stories, lies, and situation that demand from the viewers an emotional answer.

The most relevant instrument in this case are the soap operas. This kind of programs are very present in the houses, and is a big problem because this programs are very emotional, and make that people feel happy, sad, worried or angry related with the stories that operas tell.

This is a big problem, because sometimes people live their lives through the operas and start to believe in every single thing and situation that happen in this kind of T.V programs , and they explain their lives with this kind of realities.

Sometimes the teenagers they want to be or want to live like the character of the opera, and sometime you can find this is related with money, being popular, have material things, and sometimes people become frustrated because they can´t be able to have the life that this characters have.

This is a modern problem, people have been building and living using this kind of stories and realities from T.V

The information that I found on the web express this kind of addiction is part of the behavioral addiction.

The term addiction is also sometimes applied to compulsions that are not substance-related, such as compulsive shopping, sex addiction/compulsive sex, overeating, problem gambling and computer addiction. In these kinds of common usages, the term addiction is used to describe a recurring compulsion by an individual to engage in some specific activity, despite harmful consequences, as deemed by the user himself to his individual health, mental state, or social life”

We can see this is a real and serious problem, people living their lives through the T.V, building their personalities from the character and feel them frustrated because they can not reach that life´s style, and this is related with a bigger problem, that is the publicity.

This has influenced in a negative way the personal lives, because they want to be like t.v say thay have to be, to be beautiful, to be sexy, to be accepted, to be happy.

So, I believe this is a systemic problem, and we have to be conscious about it.

Related with the definition of television addiction:

“Television addiction is a disorder where the subject has a compulsion to watch television. The compulsion can be extremely difficult to control in many cases. It has many parallels to other forms of addiction, such as addiction to drugs or gambling, which create an altered mental state in the subject. It can occur at any age”.

Just to make a reflection...

sábado, 25 de junio de 2011

Las horas quietas de la madrugada…

Se despeja la piel que intenta mentir, mientras los pasos se hunden cada segundo un poco más. El ritmo de la noche se aprisiona en los nervios, cortados por la impaciencia, por el no querer esperar, por el no querer ceder a lo inevitable.

La máscara de tanto uso se desgasta, la palabra de tanto abuso ya no expresa, ya no siente, ya no encuentra hueco en los otros precipicios, en las presunciones, en los imprevistos.

Las gotas del tiempo se derraman, mientras la carne se pudre un gramo más cada día. Las virtudes se corroen, las memorias se oxidan, y los canales de la cobardía se ejercitan noche y día.

Miel y lamento, combinados en las noches llenas de lluvia, soledad y silencio; minuto prestado, aquel en que la estancia aminora los dolores, y aumenta las ausencias.

Gabriela Montiel junio 2011

jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

Extracto de vida

Se pasaba las horas viendo la televisión. Se evadía con ella, nervioso, moviéndose continuamente, comiendo continuamente, aunque no engordaba.

Parecía tener adentro una boca insaciable que dijera: "Aliméntame, Aliméntame"...cada una de sus partículas ansiaba...¿Que? los brazos de su madre no le satisfacían, estaban demasiados nerviosos para quedarse en ellos.

Paúl se quedaba repantigado en la televisión, o dando vueltas por la habitación, mirando la pantalla y comiendo, nutriéndose. Eso parecía.

(Extracto del Quinto hijo de Doris Lessing)

martes, 14 de junio de 2011

Esos momentos lentos

A veces me alejo tanto de vos

de tus hombros,

de tus manos,

de tus pies.

A veces me alejo tanto de vos

de tus labios,

de tus pieles,

de tu andar.

Y a veces me asomo

y te veo,

me asomo

y te vas,

me asomo

y ya no estas.

Gabriela Montiel 2011

lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

Marchita sinfonía

La mancha verde de la pared

Me recuerda tu ausencia,

El descuido

El paso del tiempo sin previo aviso.

La sombra de la esquina

Me trae recuerdos,

Sobre tu sonrisa

De tu ilusión

De tu alegría.

La luz de la lámpara

Me conduce a la rutina

A tu llegada

A tu partida

A tu distancia

A tu estadía;

A la fragancia de tu piel desnuda

Sobre la cama

Sobre el colchón

Sobre el piso

Sobre el comedor.

Trasladándome al reflejo del espejo

Vidrios quebrados

Pensamiento cortado

Besos impactados

Luces que se apagaron.

Mis brazos te buscan…

Tu piel se ha desvanecido.

Gabriela Montiel Junio 2011